What is Intimate Renewal?

When it comes to sexual health, there are some issues that may seem embarrassing or that women might not want to talk about. One of those concerns is when sex doesn’t feel good – but instead causes pain and discomfort. It can make women want to shy away from sexual encounters, as they might not enjoy it. This can cause issues with their own self-esteem, and it can also cause tensions between partners. This condition is often referred to as insertional dyspareunia. While concerning to many, the condition is actually treatable, allowing women to continue on having a pleasurable sex life. This is done through a procedure known as Intimate Renewal, which is also known as vaginal loosening.
What Causes Painful Sex?
Painful sex is characterized by a burning, tearing, or searing pain that occurs during sex, no matter how much time has been taken for foreplay or what kind of lubricants have been used to ease insertion. While these two things can often assist with painful sex, it is essential to know that sex should not be painful at all, to begin with – it should be pleasurable and enjoyable.
What is Intimate Renewal for Painful Sex?
Intimate Renewal is a procedure that has been pioneered successfully by Dr. Ghozland. This procedure allows women who are suffering from painful intercourse to be able to feel good about themselves and enjoy sex again. This surgical procedure is becoming more and more popular among women of all ages, and with great results.
How is the Intimate Renewal Performed?
The Intimate Renewal procedure is performed by use of lasers, Plasma-Rich Platelet Therapy, medications, and surgery. The combination of these things brings about a high success rate in eliminating pain during sex. The surgery is performed as outpatient surgery, so you are generally able to go home the same day the procedure is done. Since it is performed under local anesthesia, a patient is awake and aware during the procedure.
For some women, the option of having the Intimate Renewal performed with other cosmetic procedures, such as a labiaplasty, is also available. This eliminates further downtime or surgical procedures by allowing them to be done at the same time.
If you would like to learn more about this revolutionary procedure that helps to eliminate pain during sex, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today to book a consultation and determine whether or not you could be a candidate for the Intimate Renewal!