Body Image and Sexual Satisfaction: What Research Reveals About Vaginoplasty

Every year, more and more women are discovering the importance of self-esteem and self-care. The two tend to go hand in hand, with many women learning that after they begin to take better care of themselves (both body and mind), they will begin to feel more positive and have better moods. This is also true when it comes to the case of body image and sexual satisfaction. When a woman has a higher sense of satisfaction when it comes to how her body looks and feels, she is often able to enjoy personal encounters, such as sex a lot more. In fact, thanks to the body positivity movement, more and more women are undergoing procedures that can help raise their self-esteem and change the parts of them that may be hindering their positive thoughts about their bodies. Specific procedures, such as vaginoplasty, can help when it comes to changing these aspects of the body.
What is a Vaginoplasty?
A vaginoplasty is a procedure that works to tighten the tissue and muscles within the walls of the vagina, which will, in turn, make the vagina feel “tighter.” This tightening is a wonderful way to help women reach new heights in sexual satisfaction, especially if they have been having a lack of satisfaction when it comes to sexual encounters. A vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure, so you can expect there to be some downtime during the recovery period, as well as the need for self-care leading up to the appointment. It is also important to note that a vaginoplasty requires anesthesia, although whether it is local or general will depend on the patient and their individual needs and concerns.
How is a Vaginoplasty Performed?
A vaginoplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure. Women who opt to undergo the procedure will meet their doctor at the surgery center or doctor’s office. Anesthesia will be administered, whether it is local, which will allow the patient to remain awake and conscious during the procedure, or general, in which the patient will be asleep through the procedure. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the vaginoplasty procedure can be started.
The first thing that is done is the making of small incisions in the walls of the vagina, which will then allow the tissue to be tightened and shaped to make the vaginal canal narrower and “tighter.” Once the tissue has been shaped and trimmed, the doctor will use dissolvable sutures to close the incisions. Once your anesthesia wears off, you will be able to return home, although you will not be able to resume your daily activities for several days or weeks after the procedure.
Recovery after a vaginoplasty procedure will require several weeks of downtime, and you will need to avoid sexual activities for up to twelve weeks. You will need to take some time off of work or your regular daily duties, so be sure to have all of your arrangements in order before going in for your vaginoplasty.
What Do We Know About Vaginoplasty and Sexual Satisfaction?
When it comes to sexual satisfaction, vaginoplasty can work wonders. Many women, whether they have had children or not, may feel that their vaginas are loose and not tight enough, which can cause a lack of satisfaction and enjoyment during sexual intimacy. However, women who have undergone a vaginoplasty often report these issues being alleviated after their specific areas of concern are addressed and corrected with the surgery, leading to higher satisfaction during sex.
Why is a Positive View of Body Image So Important?
A positive body image can increase happiness with one’s appearance. This leads to higher self-esteem, which can encourage an increased sense of satisfaction in many areas of life. A positive body image is important for everyone to embrace, but it can be difficult for some. Procedures such as vaginoplasty can help those who have been battling with low self-esteem and a lack of sexual drive in the bedroom feel more comfortable in their own skin, resulting in a more positive view of themselves and, ultimately, increased satisfaction when engaging in sex.
Are you interested in learning more about the vaginoplasty procedure and how it can help lead to a more positive body image? Call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be more than happy to help set you up with a consultation!