Can Labiaplasty Help Fight UTIs?

Urinary tract infections – or UTIs, are a common and very uncomfortable issue that many women find themselves dealing with at one point or another in their lives. While there are ways to prevent UTIs, let’s face it – they do happen, and when they do, they can not only be uncomfortable, but they can also be downright painful and make the moments you are dealing with them absolutely miserable! Not to mention that UTIs can also lead to kidney infections if they are left untreated – so it’s always important to get them under control as soon as you can! But aside from the usual arsenal of ways to fight off these nasty infections, is it possible that a medical procedure such as a labiaplasty can actually help fight UTIs? This question is one that is getting a lot of attention lately, and with good reason!
What is a Labiaplasty?
A labiaplasty is a procedure that is done to help change the appearance of the labia or the outer lips of the vagina. This procedure can be performed on the labia minora, labia majora, or both. It is a common procedure and is gaining more and more popularity. During this procedure, which is typically an outpatient procedure, a labiaplasty can help you change intimate parts of your body to look the way you want. Many women get a labiaplasty procedure to appear more attractive to their partner, or even for their own self-confidence, as a too large labia may often make wearing certain clothing uncomfortable. However, there are also medical reasons that women may opt for a labiaplasty procedure!
How is the Labia Connected to UTIs?
Believe it or not, your labia may actually be a contributing factor when it comes to urinary tract infections. Women, especially those with a larger and more pronounced labia, may find themselves getting more frequent urinary tract infections, and believe it or not, your labia may be partly to blame for this uncomfortable medical concern.
Larger Labia Cause Difficulty Urinating
When it comes to larger labia, especially the labia minora, it can actually cause difficulty urinating for some women! Women who have a larger labia minora (or inner labia), especially if it hangs down when sitting to urinate, may find that they have difficulty urinating normally. This happens because the labia are actually getting in the way of the urine stream, which can cause the stream to be interrupted, making normal urination difficult or incomplete. Because of this, urine can remain in the bladder, making it a breeding ground for bacteria.
Larger Labia Can Trap Bacteria
When it comes to having larger labia (both minora and majora), it is true that more bacteria, sweat, and other body fluids can get trapped in the labia, which can cause a buildup of even more bacteria, which can lead to UTIs. While proper hygiene is a must, it can be more difficult for women with an enlarged labia to keep the area as clean as possible, and even then UTIs can crop up on you.
How Can Labiaplasty Help Fight UTIs?
Labiaplasty can help fight UTIs! This news is another reason that many women are opting for this procedure – especially those who are at higher risk for frequent urinary tract infections! The labiaplasty procedure can not only change the appearance of the labia, making it a great tool to control how your body looks, but it can also help you with medical concerns, too.
When the labia is changed, or in this case, made smaller, these two problems can both be addressed. With a smaller labia minora, you will not have as much tissue to get in the way of your urine stream, which can allow you to urinate more freely and completely. This prevents the backing up of bacteria into the bladder, which lessens your chance of a UTI. Also, when the labia is not enlarged, you will find there is less area to become concerned about fluids, sweat, and bacteria to build up in, which can also lessen the chances of a UTI cropping up. In conclusion, a labiaplasty is an ideal procedure to help you in your fight against UTIs!
If you would like to learn more about the labiaplasty procedure and to find out how it may help you fight off UTIs, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 1-310-393-9359!