Do you pass large blood clots? Do you often soak through both a tampon and a pad? Does the bleeding last longer than seven days? If you nodded your head […]
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Do you pass large blood clots? Do you often soak through both a tampon and a pad? Does the bleeding last longer than seven days? If you nodded your head […]
More than 80 percent of women will develop fibroids by 50, so it seems reasonable to assume that the condition is thoroughly understood. Right? Not exactly. Even though the vast […]
Sudden bursts of pain in the pelvic regions. Heavy periods. Anemia. While uterine fibroids are common and most women have them at some point, some are so large or located […]
Although uterine fibroids occur in nearly all women during their childbearing years, most have little or no symptoms by the time they hit 50. But for a small percentage the […]
As a mom you probably put everyone else’s needs ahead of your own. When they ask you what you want this Mother’s Day, ditch the flowers and candy and ask […]