What’s the Difference Between Dysport and Botox?

Dysport and Botox are both solutions that help with wrinkles, fine lines, and even migraines. While Botox has been around longer and is more well known, Dysport has managed to get in on the scene as well. But the question that many people might be wondering is: What exactly is the difference between Dysport and Botox, and which one of these injectables is right for you?
What is the Purpose of Dysport and Botox?
Both Dysport and Botox have the same purpose: to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, reduce migraines and muscle spasms, and can be used to help with bladder issues. Both Dysport and Botox work the same way: they paralyze the muscles underneath the skin, which will help smooth the skin above the muscles out, giving it a firmer, tighter appearance. In fact, Dysport and Botox both use a very similar main ingredient that works in much the same manner.
How Do Dysport and Botox Differ?
Dysport and Botox use the same idea and the same active ingredients to help relax and paralyze the muscles in the face, which gives the skin above the muscles a smoother appearance. But what is the difference between these two injectables? The answer to this question lies in the proteins within the solution and just how potent they are – also, one may work better for some, while for a few, the other works better.
First of all, Botox tends to cost more on average than Dysport. While insurance doesn’t typically cover these injections (unless for medical reasons), Dysport tends to run on the cheaper side than Botox.
Next is how fast the results appear after treatments. With Dysport, the results can show up within just a day or two, whereas with Botox, it can take up to a week or more to see results. While this can be a major deciding factor in which one you choose (for example, if you are going to a special event in a few days and want the results sooner, you may choose Dysport), but it should not be the only factor.
Finally, while Dysport is known to show results a bit faster, be aware that it doesn’t always last longer; results from Botox tend to stay around longer than those from Dysport, and those who choose Dysport can find themselves needing a touch-up session sooner. If you are interested in learning more about Dysport and Botox, or to see if you are a candidate for either of these injectables treatments, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today to have all your questions answered and set up an appointment.