Endometrial Ablation vs. Endometriosis Resection: Which is Right for Me?

If you are considering an endometrial procedure to alleviate symptoms of painful periods, irregular bleeding and excessive menstrual flow, you do have options. Dr. David Ghozland, a Los Angeles-area OB/GYN, offers endometrial ablation and endomyometrial resection to help women feel better without the need for a hysterectomy.
What is endometrial ablation?
If you suffer from heavy, painful menstrual flow and would prefer to avoid a hysterectomy, endometrial ablation may be a good option. Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that uses circulating hot water to ablate, or remove, the inner lining of the uterus. Not only does endometrial ablation reduce (or in some cases stop) the flow of monthly menstrual blood, it requires no incision or stitches. Another advantage is that unlike a hysterectomy, endometrial ablation does not interrupt your normal hormone production, making it ideal for younger women who have finished having children but who want to avoid menopausal symptoms. Dr. Ghozland performs this procedure right in his office in less than 30 minutes. No downtime is required and full results are seen within a couple of months.
What is endometriosis resection?
Dr. Ghozland offers a procedure to help women suffering from endometriosis symptoms such as pelvic pain or painful menstrual cycles. If you’ve been diagnosed with fibroids or endometriosis, endometriosis resection can eliminate the causes of your pain, without the need for invasive surgery. The procedure is performed by using an IV to inject a fluorescent solution into the uterine cavity that helps illuminate where the endometriosis is. Using this imagery, Dr. Ghozland is then able to successfully remove the excess tissue and alleviate the cause of the chronic pain.
Like endometrial ablation, endometriosis resection is performed right in Dr. Ghozland’s office on an outpatient basis and takes only about 30 minutes, with no need for general sedation. You can return to normal activities almost right away.
If you’ve been living with painful periods, excessive bleeding and chronic pelvic pain, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Ghozland to discuss your treatment options. He can evaluate your symptoms, explain the differences between endometrial ablation and endomyometrial resection, and determine which treatment plan is right for you. Both options offer freedom from pain and an improved quality of life without the need for an invasive hysterectomy. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Ghozland today by calling us at (310) 393-9359.