Endometriosis Awareness Week – March 3-9, 2017
Endometriosis is a common but often misdiagnosed affliction affecting as many as one out of ten women, who often suffer silently with little hope for relief. This painful condition can impact sexual intimacy, fertility, physical activity and quality of life, but the good news is, it is treatable using a procedure called endometrial ablation surgery.
Raising awareness about endometriosis is essential, especially during Endometriosis Awareness Week. Endometriosis occurs when uterine tissue normally found inside the uterus begins to grow on the external surface of the uterus. This misplaced tissue growth may also be present in the upper vaginal region, where it can cause extremely painful intercourse. Treating this painful condition once it is diagnosed can offer permanent relief to these and other distressing symptoms.
Endometrial ablation is performed on an outpatient basis and is used to remove the lining inside the uterus. The procedure utilizes hot water and effectively reduces and in some cases stops the flow of menstrual bleeding. There are no incisions and no long recovery periods. Advantages include:
• The procedure typically can be completed in half an hour.
• Success rates are 70 percent or better for most patients.
• Easier recovery than an invasive hysterectomy procedure.
Women of all ages may present with symptoms of endometriosis and should see their doctor for a thorough exam and diagnosis. If endometriosis is the cause of their chronic pain and discomfort, endometrial ablation surgery can offer immediate and permanent relief from excessive menstrual bleeding and pain.
If you suffer from endometriosis and would like to learn more about endometrial ablation surgery, contact Dr. Ghozland at (310) 393-9359 to schedule your consultation.