Think You May Have Endometriosis? 5 Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Many women who suffer from Endometriosis are never diagnosed with the condition, which can prevent them from getting the medical care they need to have a better, more healthy life. Endometriosis is a serious medical condition that affects an estimated ten percent of women, and while it may go undiagnosed in a good percentage of them, there are treatments that can help – for example, Endometrial Ablation.
What is Endometriosis and What Causes it?
Endometriosis is a condition that involves incredibly heavy periods, bad menstrual cramps, abdominal pain, and painful sex. While some of these symptoms are known to accompany the menstrual cycle, it is important to know that in those with Endometriosis, the symptoms are dramatically more prominent, and medical care is often needed.
Endometriosis is caused by the endometrial tissue, which typically grows only in the uterus, growing elsewhere. This can happen in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and even in the abdominal area. Because of this, the body produces an anti-inflammatory response, causing the tissue to reproduce.
5 Signs of Endometriosis
- Heavy Menstrual Flow – One of the most common signs of Endometriosis is an abnormally heavy menstrual flow. If you are soaking through more than one pad or tampon in an hour, it may be time to seek out medical care to rule out any conditions that can be causing it, like Endometriosis. In fact, if your period is so heavy that it is disrupting your work and social life, forcing you to stay home or avoid activities, you may think about looking into Endometriosis being a cause.
- Abdominal Pain – While it’s normal to have cramps every now and again with your period, severe cramping and abdominal pain, especially around your period, can be a cause for concern. The cramping associated with Endometriosis is typically found in the abdomen and lower back, and can oftentimes be unbearable.
- Pain in the Gastrointestinal Tract – Endometriosis can often be confused with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) because of the fact that it can cause pain with bowel movements, cramping, intestinal pain, and diarrhea
- Painful Sex – Another warning sign of Endometriosis is painful sex. Pain can begin to develop during sex, immediately after sex, or even last a few days after it. It may tend to be worse before and during your period, and when it is accompanied by abdominal pain and other symptoms on this list, it is a good indication of what could be going on.
- Infertility – Infertility is a big concern among those with Endometriosis. In fact, many women do not even realize they have the condition until they seek out medical attention for their inability to conceive. It is believed that up to fifty percent of women who suffer from Endometriosis also struggle with fertility issues.
What is Endometrial Ablation?
Endometrial Ablation is an outpatient procedure that can provide relief from the pain and concerns that present themselves with Endometriosis. It is performed by taking a hot water and saline solution and circulating it in the uterus while the patient is under anesthesia. The hot water solution will destroy the lining of the uterus and can shorten periods, and sometimes even stop them completely. This procedure is safe and easy to administer with almost no downtime and only minimal cramping, but should not be used unless the patient is sure she is finished childbearing.
If you are interested in learning more about Endometriosis or Endometrial Ablation, contact the office of Dr. Ghozland today.