Everything You Need to Know About Labia Puffing

Labia puffing is a growing treatment. This procedure gives the ability to allow women to shape intimate areas of their bodies exactly the way they wish to. Labia puffing can do a lot to help a woman’s self-confidence with the way her body looks, both in the bedroom and out. If labia puffing is something that has you curious, get ready to find out more about this exciting procedure that is sure to help combat the dissatisfaction that many women have with their intimate areas.
What is a Labia Puffing Procedure?
A labia puffing procedure, while not usually a medically necessary procedure, is a minimally invasive procedure that involves transferring fat from one area into the labia in order to make the labia minora, labia majora, or both, look fuller, even, and smooth. While this procedure is not painful, some women feel a bit of discomfort, which can lead them to opt for local or general anesthesia to reduce the amount of discomfort and anxiety felt over getting the procedure done.
How is Labia Puffing Performed?
Labia puffing is typically done in the doctor’s office under forty-five minutes unless the need for general anesthesia is requested. The labia puffing procedure, also known as a fat transfer, is done using a liposuction-like procedure on another area of the body, such as the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, or upper arms. Then, the fat is taken and injected into the labia region. By injecting the fat into this region, it essentially puffs up the labia, making it look fuller and more even. This can be done on both the labia majora and labia minora, as well as coupled with other cosmetic gynecological procedures.
What is Recovery from Labia Puffing Like?
Recovery from the labia puffing treatment is generally quick and easy. Because the procedure itself tends to be quick, there isn’t really much need for aftercare. There are your typical side effects, such as bruising, redness, pain, and swelling, but for the most part, it is an easy procedure as long as you are in good health before getting it done.
What Should I Expect from Labia Puffing?
While labia puffing can be a great way to help you regain some confidence, it is important for you to have realistic expectations before going through with the procedure. This will ensure that you will be happy with the results you get.
If you would like to learn more about labia puffing or to see if it is a procedure that is right for you, please call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!