How Labiaplasty Can Benefit Your Sex Life

When it comes to getting cosmetic gynecology procedures, some individuals seek them out for aesthetic purposes, but did you know that these procedures can do more than just make your body look the way you’d like it to? In fact, one of the main reasons for getting these procedures is to help you achieve a better sex life – and there are quite a few different ways that these types of procedures can help you get the desired results. Some procedures, such as labiaplasty, can truly do wonders for your sex life – and many more women are opting for this procedure every year. Let’s take a look at what a labiaplasty is – and how it can give your sex life a complete turnaround!
What is a Labiaplasty?
A labiaplasty is a cosmetic gynecology procedure that can change the look of the vaginal lips – the labia minora, labia majora, or both. It is often sought out by women who want to change the shape or overall appearance of their labia, whether it be due to sagging skin, uneven labia, or other issues with the appearance of the labia. These types of concerns can be due to aging, genetics, excessive weight loss, and childbirth, to name a few. A labiaplasty can correct this by changing not only the appearance of the labia but often the sensations that can be felt, too. While a labiaplasty can be performed independently, it is often combined with other procedures, such as a monsplasty or a vaginoplasty.
How Does a Labiaplasty Improve The Sex Life of the Patient?
First of all, it is important to note that when you are considering any type of cosmetic procedure, you should always have realistic expectations. This is no different for a labiaplasty – if you have realistic expectations of what your labia will look like after the procedure – and do not expect something entirely beyond reason – you are more than likely to be happy with the resulting outcome. However, if you have unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved based on your body, then you may not be as happy with the procedure.
With that out of the way, let’s talk about how a labiaplasty can truly change the sex life of women seeking the procedure.
An Increase in Confidence
Part of why you may not be experiencing as positive a sex life as you would like can stem from a woman’s lack of confidence in her body. Many women are unhappy with how their bodies look – even the intimate areas. Because of this, they may not feel as though they are good enough, and this can truly wreck a woman’s sexual experiences. A labiaplasty can help change the parts of the labia that are causing the decrease in self-confidence, which can offer a considerable turnaround.
Being Able to Wear Desired Clothing
Another way that a labiaplasty can help better your sex life is by allowing you to look good in any clothing – even lingerie! When the labia is stretched, enlarged, or uneven, it can get in the way of wearing the clothes you want to wear, which can damper your sex life. A labiaplasty can change any problem areas of the labia so that you can not only look better – but also feel better – in the clothing you want to wear.
Increased Sensation
An enlarged or uneven labia can also be causing a hindrance to the amount of sensation you feel during sexual activity. If your labia is too large, it can actually become an issue when it comes to sensations – both when it comes to vaginal penetration and clitoral stimulation. A reduction in the size of the labia can actually make sensations felt during sexual activity stronger and better than ever before, which can, in turn, lead to an easier time reaching orgasm.
If you would like to learn more about the labiaplasty procedure or to schedule a consultation to find out if this procedure is right for you, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be happy to help you get started!