How the P-Shot is Changing the Landscape of Men’s Sexual Health

Sexual concerns are not something that most individuals feel comfortable talking about – even though by sharing your concerns with your doctor, you can help treat common concerns that might be bothering you. There are a variety of different medications and procedures available to both men and women to help take care of their sexual health. One such procedure for women is the O-Shot – something that has been gaining in popularity over the years. But did you know that there is a similar shot for men called the P-Shot? The P-Shot is revolutionizing the way that men are handling their sexual health by giving them more control over it.
What is the P-Shot?
The P-Shot (or Penile enhancement shot) is a simple procedure for men that can change their worries about not being at peak performance during sexual activities. This procedure has been more and more sought out as a treatment for the concern of ED (erectile dysfunction). Erectile dysfunction is a major concern for many men, as it can hinder their sexual performance and even cause problems with their self-esteem. While there are medications available to treat this, one of the newest, most popular treatments doesn’t involve medication at all – and that treatment is known as the P-Shot.
How Does the P-Shot Work?
The P-Shot, which is available for men of all ages who are dealing with erectile dysfunction, is a procedure that falls under the category of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. PRP Therapy uses the plasma that is in the patient’s blood to help treat certain concerns – in this case, we are talking about treating erectile dysfunction.
When you go to your appointment for the P-Shot, the first thing that your doctor will do is walk you through the procedure and what you should expect while you are there. Then, your doctor will draw a small blood sample in a similar way that blood is drawn for blood tests. The blood is then taken and placed into a centrifuge, which spins the blood until the platelet-rich plasma is separated from the rest of the blood. This platelet-rich plasma is exactly what is going to help treat the patient.
Once the platelet-rich plasma is ready, it is injected into the penis. Once it is injected into the penis, your doctor will apply a penis pump for around fifteen minutes to help ensure that the platelet-rich plasma does its job.
This may sound like a scary way to treat ED – but rest assured, it’s actually quite painless. The penis and surrounding area is numbed prior to the injection to allow for patient comfort and proper results.
Benefits of the P-Shot
The P-Shot has several benefits that can allow you to treat your ED, as well as find yourself more sexually confident than before. Some of the most notable ways that the P-Shot can benefit men include the following:
- No medications to remember to take, allowing you to have more freedom
- No surgery or downtime, meaning there is no missing work or other activities and no painful recovery period
- Enhanced circulation in the penis and surrounding area
- An increase in the size and girth of the penis
- Enhanced sensation and pleasure during sexual activities
- Men who receive the P-Shot can engage in sexual activity as soon as they want to – there is no downtime for sexual activity
- Unlike traditional medications, there is very little risk of side effects or risks since the treatment uses the patient’s own blood
Those interested in the P-Shot should know that while the shot is not typically painful, there may be a slight pressure-like sensation during the treatment. The numbing cream can stop any pain and discomfort, but you may still feel some pressure.
Those who opt for the P-Shot may notice that they see their desired effects right away, and yet others may require a second treatment. You and your doctor will need to discuss this treatment to determine if it is a good fit for you and if you will need more than one treatment to help achieve your desired results.
If you would like to learn more about PRP Therapy and the P-Shot, please call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359 and we will be happy to help answer your questions and get you set up with an appointment!