How the P-Shot Stacks Up Against Traditional ED Medications

Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, is a very common disorder that has affected many men around the globe. The condition has been described as an inability to establish or sustain an erection for sexual satisfaction. ED is potentially crippling, ranging from serious dents in self-esteem to the overall quality of life and relationships. Traditional treatments for ED conventionally included oral medications like sildenafil (brand name: Viagra) and tadalafil (brand name: Cialis). Lately, however, newer therapies, such as the P-Shot or Priapus Shot, have been leaving their mark in the medical world because of their effectiveness in long-term benefits sans everyday medication.
What is the P-Shot?
The P-shot is one of the varieties of regenerative medicinal treatments that utilize PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, to enhance sexual performance in men. Platelet Rich Plasma is prepared by using a person’s blood sample that is collected, processed in a centrifuge, and injected into the penis. In simple words, PRP is made up of growth factors and proteins that stimulate tissue repair and increase blood and flow to the treated area.
The P-Shot is performed in the office by a qualified physician. The procedure takes approximately one hour, and anesthetics are used to further minimize discomfort. As traditional medications work for only short amounts of time, the P-Shot restores the core level of penile health and function over time.
How Traditional Erectile Dysfunction Medications Work
Oral medications include pills such as Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. These medications facilitate the increase of blood flow to the penis, allowing an erection in response to sexual stimulation.
Generally, for most men with ED, these medications work just fine. These medications have been found to help most men achieve erections after taking them.
Quick Action
Most of the medications for ED start their action within 30 minutes to one hour after administration and, therefore are quite easily manageable in case of impromptu or planned intimacy.
Temporary Solution
The duration of action is a few hours, and for some formulations, even up to 36 hours, so these need to be taken each time sexual activity is anticipated.
Although these medicines work for most men, they might fail to work in certain cases, especially among men with severe ED or even diseases like diabetes and heart-related conditions.
P-Shot vs. Traditional ED Medications
When it comes to the P-Shot and traditional medications, there are several key differences that should be addressed when putting together a proper treatment plan.
How It Works
This is more of a regenerative cure as it enhances collagen production and promotes blood flow to the tissues. Over time, with better blood flow to this area, sexual function will develop and improve erectile function without relying on medications.
ED Medications
With oral medications, there is a rapid increase in flow, but the actual issues to be treated, such as poor vascular health or nerve damage, may not be addressed.
Studies have shown that the P-Shot improves function, sensitivity, and stamina of the penis. Results vary widely on the degree of ED and health in genera,l but most men realize noticeable improvements within a few weeks of treatment.
Medications for ED
These work quite well and quickly for men with mild to moderate ED but can become less effective over time as the condition worsens.
Duration of Results
The P-Shot generally offers long-term results, and most men have seen an improvement that lasts up to one year or even longer from a single treatment; maintenance treatments may be recommended every year.
ED Medications
Short-term results are the goal of ED medications. It is also important to note that the patient has to take them each time before sexual activity.
Side Effects
Since the P-Shot is made from the patient’s own blood, there is little to no chance of allergic reactions or serious side effects. Possible temporary side effects include mild swelling or bruising at the site of injection.
ED Medications
Side effects of ED medications can include headache, flushing, nasal congestion, and upset stomach. More serious adverse effects, but less common, include changes in vision and cardiovascular complications.
Usage with Other Medical Conditions
This is great for those men who, for health reasons, cannot take oral medication. The P-Shot is ideal for those who are suffering from certain chronic conditions who would not benefit from oral medications.
ED Medications
ED medications are typically avoided in patients currently taking nitrates or other medications for heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
If you would like to learn about how the P-Shot can help to improve Erectile Dysfunction in men, or to make an appointment, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359 and we will be happy to help!