Labia Puffing Using Fat Transfer or Filler? Which is more permanent?

When it comes to cosmetic procedures, whether surgical or nonsurgical, you want to be sure that you choose the option that will allow you to have lasting results and not something that will need to be redone or touched up frequently. The same is true for any cosmetic gynecological procedure – such as labia puffing. Regarding this procedure, you have two options for labia puffing – you can either request that you have the procedure done using fat transfers from your body, or you can request fillers. But the question on everyone’s mind may be something like “Which is more permanent?” Let’s take a look at a brief overview of labia puffing, as well as what each option entails so that we can find out answer to which option is longer lasting and would be right for you!
What is Labia Puffing?
Sometimes the labia, like other parts of the body, can become a bit laxer in terms of fullness. Maybe you’ve noticed that your labia is not as full or shapely as it once was. Perhaps you aren’t too happy with the way your body looks in certain clothing or the way that the clothing has been fitting you. For this, many women choose to have what is known as a labia puffing procedure. This procedure is a solution to sagging skin and can make your labia appear fuller and more rounded and combat aging, genetics, and the effects of childbirth and weight loss.
How Does Labia Puffing Work?
If you are new to the idea of labia puffing, you may be wondering how it works. Labia puffing is done by having a fat transfer from another part of your body to the labia or when a special type of filler is used to puff up the area of the labia and make it appear rounder, fuller, and nicer in appearance. The process is minimally invasive and quite safe. In fact, it is a commonly used procedure among women of all ages.
Labia Puffing with Fillers
If you are worried about committing to a certain look and aren’t sure if labia puffing is right for you, many women choose fillers. Fillers that are used for labia puffing, such as those containing hyaluronic acid, usually only last between six and twelve months – sometimes a bit longer depending on the type of filler used – making them not quite as permanent as a fat transfer. For some women, such as those who are testing out the waters for this kind of procedure, this is an ideal solution to help them discover the kind of look they are going for. It also gives you the option to change your mind since fillers do eventually dissolve in a shorter amount of time.
The procedure itself is pretty quick and easy – after the area is numbed, a filler solution is injected into the areas of the labia where a fuller effect is desired. The solution will give the area a fuller appearance until it breaks down in six to twelve months, in which case the procedure will need to be redone in order to maintain the look.
Labia Puffing Using Fat Transfer
Labia puffing using fat transfers is done in a similar fashion to labia puffing using fillers, only instead of a filler solution, the doctor uses fat from other areas of your body, such as the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs. It is done using a liposuction-like procedure, in which the area is numbed, and fat is removed from these areas. Then, the fat is transferred into the area of the labia, making it look puffier and fuller.
Unlike fillers, a fat transfer is less likely to bring on any type of negative response or allergic reaction since it is using fat from your own body.
It is also worth noting that fat transfer, instead of fillers, is often way more permanent. This can be considered a good thing for those who don’t want to have to worry about repeating the procedure in order to maintain lasting results. However, it can also seem daunting for those who aren’t sure how it is going to look and feel, so many women opt for fillers first, and if they like the results with fillers, they opt for the fat transfer procedure.
If you would like to learn more about labia puffing, including the methods that can be used to achieve the look you want, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be happy to help you!