Medical Reasons to Consider Vaginoplasty

A loose vagina isn’t just a nuisance. When the vaginal wall muscles stretch out and don’t bounce back it can cause a whole host of medical issues from urinary incontinence to sexual dissatisfaction.
While the top cause of vaginal loosening is childbirth, the condition can also be caused by aging, cancer, tumors, trauma or a congenital defect. Fortunately, the medical issues associated with this complication can be mended with a procedure called vaginoplasty.
What is Vaginoplasty?
This medical procedure is undergone by women who are dealing with vaginal relaxation syndrome. Because this disorder increases the inner area of the vagina and the muscles are no longer taut, it can cause sexual displeasure and urinary incontinence.
This outpatient procedure involves the tightening of the vaginal and perineum muscles, which in turn strengthens the pelvic floor while narrowing the width of the vagina.
What Types of Conditions are Congenital?
Some women who were born with various vaginal defects could benefit from vaginoplasty. Some of those congenital defects include:
● Vaginal agenesis or Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is a rare disorder when the vagina doesn’t develop and the uterus fails to grow or only develops partially. This defect may not present itself until the girl hits her teens and fails to menstruate.
● Vaginal atresia: when the vagina is closed or completely absent.
● When a woman is born with sexual variations, also called intersex conditions. This can include: androgen insensitivity syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and gonadal dysgenesis.
Diseases Can Affect the Vagina
Certain cancers and tumors, or the surgeries required to remove them, may also result in lax vaginal muscles.
If you’re dealing with any of these medical issues that have caused vaginal loosening syndrome, it might be time to consider vaginoplasty Los Angeles. To find out if you’re a good candidate for this procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ghozland.