Surprise Your Sweetie with a Treatment on #NationalSpousesDay

When do we focus primarily on our spouse and thank them for all they do? It’s easy to forget our better half when it seems like the 24-hour day is packed full of work, children’s activities, appointments and attempts to squeeze in some exercise.
But the person who is there during the highs and the lows, deserves some love and accolades. That’s why National Spouse’s Day, which falls on January 26, is the perfect day to carve out some time for your husband or wife.
Unlike Valentine’s Day which tends to center around flowers, chocolate, lingerie and jewelry, National Spouse’s Day was founded as a non-gift holiday. It’s really a time to show your loved how much they are appreciated not simply trade material objects.
Say “I Love You” with a Confident-Boosting Treatment
Sometimes those three simple words are left out of our vocabulary as we rush about our lives. Slow down and send a quick “smooch” text to your hubby during the day. Call your wife while she’s driving to work and tell her you love her, with no other questions, concerns or conversation.
Another great way to show your wife how much you love and appreciate her is by surprising her with a Mommy Makeover. Women’s bodies go through a lot of changes during and after childbirth. Suddenly, with so much time focused on the children and being the best mama possible, many moms neglect themselves. Putting themselves last can make moms feel like their post-mom bodies are less sexy and deflate confidence.
A Mommy Makeover is a great way to infuse more sass in the step and amp up the passion. Choose from a variety of treatments including: breast and vaginal rejuvenation, liposuction and/or abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
For the women out whose sex lives are suffering due to urinary incontinence or vaginal dryness, the O-Shot, might be the perfect solution. This revolutionary, in-office vaginal rejuvenation treatment will help women with sexual issues. Adding orgasms back into the bedroom? That’s sure to bring a smile to both husband and wife.
Don’t think that men have been left out of the equation. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can ruin the moment. Millions across the nation suffer from this condition but thanks to the P-Shot, the problem can be successfully treated. This new and innovative remedy will result in firmer and stronger erections. Improving your sex life? Now that sounds like the perfect way to say, “I love and appreciate you!”
Find out more about Dr. Ghozland’s Mommy Makeover, the O-Shot and the P-shot by contacting (310) 393-9359 to schedule a free consultation today.