Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones
Hormones are chemicals created within the body that helps your body communicate with the various systems located within it. It helps your organs know what to do and helps to balance your mental health and physical health, keeping you healthy.
When your hormones are off-balance, you can experience symptoms such as the inability to lose weight, weight gain, fatigue, digestive issues, dry skin, decreased sex drive, infertility, increased hunger and thirst, and even depression and anxiety. Along with the ability to use natural hormone therapy to balance your hormones, there are some natural ways you can help balance your hormones.
- Get Enough Protein – One way that you can help balance your hormones naturally is to ensure that you are getting enough protein in each meal. Protein can help balance out the hormones that regulate your appetite, which can help you stay fuller longer, thus preventing excess weight gain. About twenty to thirty grams of protein per meal can help you balance these hormones.
- Exercise – Believe it or not, exercise is one way to promote a balance of natural hormones in the body. Exercise can reduce insulin production, as well as eliminate any insulin sensitivity in the body.
- Avoid Sugar, as well as Refined Carbs – Too much sugar or refined carbohydrates in the diet can throw the balance of hormones out of whack. However, if you avoid sugar and refined carbs (or cut down on it as much as you can), you may find that you will start to feel better, and your hormones will begin to balance themselves out.
- Proper Stress Management – One thing that many people don’t know about hormones is that stress can play a massive part in throwing them off balance. Your cortisol and adrenaline hormones will not be where they should be if you are often very stressed. If your hormones are not balanced, they can cause increased eating, lack of sleep, and anxiety.
- Eat Properly – Try not to overeat, and try not to undereat. Learning how to eat the proper amount of food for each meal can affect getting your hormones back on balance.
- Try Green Tea – Green tea has been touted as a healthy drink for ages, and when you look into it, you will find out that there is plenty of truth behind the claims. Green tea has caffeine, which can improve metabolism and antioxidants, which can help keep your body healthy.
- Eat Fatty Fish – Fatty fish, such as sardines, salmon, mackerel, and herring, will offer you Omega 3 fatty acids, which are known for their ability to lower stress hormones in the body as well as balance out insulin production and reduce insulin resistance.
- Get Proper Sleep – Getting proper sleep has always been important that the body needs. Getting enough sleep will help your body avoid insulin resistance and promote mental and physical well-being. Also, be sure to get high-quality sleep, as well.
- Get Enough Fiber in Your Diet – The proper amount of fiber in your diet not only aids in digestion, but it also helps to balance out hormones and reduce your appetite to help you eat the proper portions and feel less hungry.
- Eat Eggs – Eggs help lower insulin levels and prevent insulin sensitivity, and they are great when eaten at any time of day. They also can keep you fuller for extended periods.
You can call Dr. Ghozland today to schedule a consultation if you are interested in learning more about balancing hormones or natural hormone replacement.