Premenopause vs. Perimenopause: What’s the Difference?

There’s only a couple of letters differentiating the two terms but premenopausal and perimenopausal are two very different phases in a woman’s life.
At the Beginning
Towards the end of puberty, a girl’s ovaries will start to release eggs and she usually begins having monthly periods. Often the periods are irregular for a couple years, but this change still signals the beginning of a woman’s reproductive years. That time, when women are still having regular periods, is considered premenopause.
Hot Flashes and More
When sleep issues, night sweats, hot flashes and mood swings come into the picture it often means a woman has hit perimenopause. This stage, distinguished by a decline in estrogen, occurs about eight to 10 years before menopause. As estrogen levels sporadically rise and fall during this time, women will often experience irregular periods and other symptoms indicative of hormonal swings.
Because a woman is still ovulating, women can continue to get pregnant during perimenopause. During perimenopause the body will continue to produce less and less estrogen, but since a woman is still ovulating and she can continue to get pregnant. The final stages of perimenopause can last from a few months to a few years. Menopause occurs once the ovaries are producing such a small amount of estrogen that your period stops.
Menopause is officially diagnosed once a woman doesn’t get her period for a full year.
Dealing with it All
Women are used to discomfort, pain and hormonal swings. After the onset of their first period, women become accustomed to premenstrual cramps, bloating and mood swings, at least once a month. But for many, menopause cannot be dealt with by simply taking some aspirin.
The night sweats and insomnia can make sleep nearly impossible. The hot flashes that occur out of nowhere and the headaches can lead to unbearable days. Thankfully bio replacement hormone therapy can help alleviate these issues.
These small pellets, which are comprised of natural ingredients, are gently placed under the skin during the in-office procedure. Because they mimic the body’s natural hormones, with a combination of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, they are a more natural alternative than some other options available.
To find out if you’re the right candidate for natural hormone therapy contact Dr. Ghozland at (310) 299-7143.