What You Need To Know About PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

Losing your hair and figure you’ll just have to shave off the remnants and move on? That’s definitely an option but not everyone can rock the Bruce Willis look. So what are the options if slick and shiny isn’t your bag?
Having hair again is actually now a reality thanks to something called platelet-rich plasma or PRP. This treatment, which has also worked wonders for aging skin, can help stimulate hair follicles and promote new growth.
We Want to Take Your Blood
So how does PRP work? Our blood is composed of two substances: red blood cells and plasma. Plasma contains both white blood cells and platelets. Those platelets regulate cell growth and division. When separated from the blood cells and injected into the scalp, those growth factors or plasma send a signal to the hair follicles to grow, bringing new life to thinning hair.
The Step by Step Process
The process begins by drawing blood from the patient’s arm. That tube of blood is then placed in a centrifuge, where the plasma is separated from the red blood cells. That PRP is then injected across the scalp at half-inch intervals where it’s thinning.
Although it’s performed extremely methodically, the entire process takes between 30 to 45 minutes.
No Pain and Few (if any) Side Effects
Most patients don’t even need any sort of numbing element to deal with the injections. There may be a little bruising at the injection sites and if there is any pain, doctors recommend ice and an over-the-counter pain killer such as Tylenol.
There’s no downtime associated with the treatment, just avoid blow-drying or harsh chemicals from coloring or treatment for a day or two. A warm shower to stimulate circulation and improve blood flow throughout the scalp is also recommended.
Early and Often are Key
PRP works best for patients in the early stages of hair loss. In addition, the treatment has shown to be the most effective on candidates with androgenic alopecia, a genetic type of hair loss. For men this thinning usually occurs along the top of the head and for women along the hair part.
For the best results, patients should receive monthly treatments for the first three or four months. Once the initial treatments are completed, the recommendation is usually every three to six months. The actual numbers vary based on the patient’s individual results.
The Results
Patients should expect to see results within two to three months. Yet, consistency is essential since those follicles need to be reminded to grow. In addition, PRP should be one component of a hair loss treatment program. Physicians may also prescribe medications, to be taken both orally and applied topically, to treat the hair loss.
Are you interested in learning more about PRP for hair restoration? Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Ghozland to find out if you’re a good candidate for the treatment.