Sex After Vaginal Delivery: How A Perineoplasty Can Help

Childbirth is beautiful but it definitely can do some not-so-lovely things to the vagina. Normal vaginal delivery can widen the vagina by stretching both the tissues and the surrounding muscles. So, what’s the result of all that excess stretching out?
For some women, postpartum vaginal laxity, the condition when the vagina doesn’t pop back into place after childbirth, can lead to diminished sexual satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction can decline from vaginal laxity because the gap created in the perineum leads to a reduction in friction.
Vaginal Tightening for Sexual Pleasure
Vaginal tightening procedures have been around for some time, but in the past, they were usually performed with medical issues in mind, not sexual or cosmetic. Therefore, not many studies exist revealing that vaginoplasty and perineoplasty improve sexual pleasure.
Although those two terms are often used interchangeably, they are not the same procedure.
What is Perineoplasty?
A perineoplasty is a good option for patients interested in improving both their sex life and the appearance of their vagina. During childbirth the area of tissue between the vagina and the rectum, can be torn. While healing from an episiotomy, sometimes the area is left with scarring and an undesirable look that can affect a women’s sexual confidence. In addition, the condition can cause vaginal laxity.
Perineoplasty will repair this perineal damage by narrowing the vaginal entrance, removing any excess perineal and vaginal skin and tightening the muscles in the surrounding area.
What is Vaginoplasty?
Many women opt to have both a perineoplasty and vaginoplasty simultaneously, but both can be performed separately. Vaginoplasty, the most common vaginal rejuvenation procedure, also corrects vaginal laxity but this surgery concentrates specifically on the vaginal canal.
An outpatient procedure, this will tighten the relaxed vaginal and perineum muscles, helping strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and leading to a narrower vaginal diameter. A laser technique reduces bleeding and increases the precision of this procedure.
Post-Surgery Recovery
Most women are able to return to work a few days after a perineoplasty. Pain can be kept at bay by an over-the-counter pain medication or prescription. Some minor bleeding is common and patients should use a sanitary pad. Also, make sure that the incision is kept clean and dry. Women should not resume sexual activity until six weeks post-surgery and can resume regular activities, such as exercise, within four weeks.
Who is a Good Candidate?
- Women dealing with vaginal laxity either from childbirth or other events such as weight gain or loss or age.
- Women experiencing a decrease in sexual sensation due to a damaged perineum or loose vagina.
Interested in learning more about perineoplasty and if you’re a good candidate for the procedure? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ghozland to find out more.