Should You Wait Until You are Done Having Kids to Get a Vaginoplasty?
A vaginoplasty is a revolutionary procedure that women of all ages frequently seek out. It can make a lot of difference in your life, both in and out of the bedroom, and can have you feeling younger and happier. While many women undergo this procedure each and every year, there are still some questions that might linger in the back of your mind, including whether or not you should wait until you are done having children before you choose to undergo vaginoplasty. This is actually quite the common concern among women of childbearing age who are unsure as to whether or not they should get the procedure or wait, and it often comes up in conversations between doctors and their patients.
What is a Vaginoplasty?
A vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens and tones the vagina to help improve the overall look and feel. It corrects any vaginal laxity, which can occur for a variety of reasons, including age, childbirth, weight loss, and hormones. While it is natural for the muscles in the vagina to lose their elasticity and tone over time, it doesn’t make it any less frustrating for millions of women. However, a vaginoplasty surgery can help correct this.
How is a Vaginoplasty Performed?
A vaginoplasty procedure is an outpatient procedure that often occurs in your doctor’s office or surgical center and lasts anywhere from sixty to ninety minutes on its own. It can, of course, be coupled with other procedures, such as a labiaplasty, which will make the procedure take a bit longer. The procedure is often done using local anesthesia, which allows the patient to remain awake and alert, although general anesthesia can be used at the patient’s request.
The procedure is done by making small incisions in the vagina using a CO2 laser, and then the muscles and tissues are shaped and toned to create a narrower canal and a stronger pelvic floor.
How Long Do Vaginoplasty Results Last?
If you are looking for a long-term solution to vaginal laxity, surgical vaginoplasty is a great choice. The results from the procedure can last for years and years – decades, even. Although it is not guaranteed to be permanent because the body will still continue to age, which is a cause of vaginal laxity.
Is it Best to Finish Having Children Before Getting a Vaginoplasty?
One thing that comes up in conversations about the vaginoplasty procedure is whether or not you should wait until you finish having children to get the procedure done. While the procedure itself will not hinder your ability to get pregnant or give birth to children, it can cause the vaginal muscles to become stretched out again, making the results from your vaginoplasty procedure less apparent. In fact, most women actually opt to be sure they are finished creating their family before they opt for the procedure so that they do not find themselves in this situation, as the vaginoplasty will need to be repeated in order to achieve similar results. Because of this, it may be better to wait until you have finished having children before you get the procedure done, as most women choose to avoid pregnancy after.
Is There Another Type of Vaginoplasty Procedure That Can Be Performed If I Haven’t Finished Having Children?
If you have not yet finished having children, or are unsure if you will have any in the future, don’t worry. There is another procedure that you can opt for that will offer similar results without being surgical. This is called Femilift, and it is a laser procedure that is done using radiofrequency waves. It has a tightening effect on the vagina and can give you lasting results.
If you would like to learn more about the vaginoplasty procedure, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be happy to help you by answering your questions or getting you set up for a consultation!