Surprising Benefits of Getting a Labiaplasty

Maybe you’ve heard the rave reviews from other moms at school pick-up and drop-off. Or perhaps a close friend said it literally changed her life. Whomever the source or whatever the review, the labiaplasty surgery and outcome varies for every woman.
What is Labiaplasty?
You may hear the word mentioned and wonder “what is labiaplasty?” Just like every woman has a different shape, not all labias are created the same. Some women may have an elongated labia majora, others may just have uneven vaginal lips. Labiaplasty surgery is a procedure in which the inner folds of skin around the vagina and clitoris along with the outer folds are reduced and made more symmetrical.
Why Would You Choose Labiaplasty?
For some women, large or longer vaginal lips cause pain and discomfort. Elongated or large labia can make sex, sports or other physical activities uncomfortable due to excessive chafing. Some women even find wearing tight clothing bothersome. Other women just aren’t happy with the physical appearance of an elongated labia.
Riding a Bike Got Easier
Spin class anyone? For many women with an elongated labia, the idea of hopping on a bike and dealing with that rubbing for more than a few minutes is inconceivable. Yet, after labiaplasty women are surprised to say that they can actually head to SoulCycle or join their family for that cruise down the beach without discomfort and pain.
Better Sex
There’s good chafing during sex and then there’s some that just rubs the wrong way. For women with what some refer to as “butterfly wings,” sex can be difficult. Some women say they need extra lube to help out. After labiaplasty those issues usually disappear.
No More Camel Toe
Yoga pants for a quick jaunt to the market? Not exactly the wardrobe choice for women with large labias. Not only are some women self-conscious about the appearance, tight clothing often feels uncomfortable. After labiaplasty? Throw on those Lululemons and head to the store in confidence.
Contact a Los Angeles Labiaplasty Surgeon
Women don’t need to keep suffering with the discomfort of elongated or uneven labia. A labiaplasty involves very little pain and minimal downtime. Want to find out if you’re a good candidate for labiaplasty surgery? Learn more on our website or contact Dr. Ghozland’s office and schedule a consultation.