While blood clots during your period are common, it is important to note that, unlike with a standard cut wound, these clots are quite different. Instead of a traditional blood […]
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While blood clots during your period are common, it is important to note that, unlike with a standard cut wound, these clots are quite different. Instead of a traditional blood […]
Many women who suffer from Endometriosis are never diagnosed with the condition, which can prevent them from getting the medical care they need to have a better, more healthy life. […]
Pain. Fatigue. Emotional strain. Women with endometriosis deal with those issues, in addition to others, on a daily basis. Pain is the dominant symptom of endometriosis, which occurs when the […]
Exhausted? Tired in the morning after a night’s sleep? Barely able to keep your eyes open? If this your normal day and you suffer from endometriosis, the two may be […]
The debilitating pain can be isolating. When climbing out of bed seems like an incredible feat, women who suffer from endometriosis can feel completely alone in their struggles. But a […]
It’s a disease that affects an estimated 7 million American women, yet research on the causes of endometriosis and how to treat it continues to be severely underfunded. The most […]
At least 5.5 million American women and 176 million women worldwide suffer from endometriosis. Yet many women mistake this painful condition, when the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows […]
It helps with weight loss, reduces the risk of breast cancer, boost’s the baby’s immune system, and provides mother-baby bonding. Those are just a few of the benefits breastfeeding brings, […]
If you are considering an endometrial procedure to alleviate symptoms of painful periods, irregular bleeding and excessive menstrual flow, you do have options. Dr. David Ghozland, a Los Angeles-area OB/GYN, […]