Are you thinking about undergoing a hysterectomy? Or have you already scheduled the procedure but are wondering exactly what the recovery will entail? Remember to give your body time to […]
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Are you thinking about undergoing a hysterectomy? Or have you already scheduled the procedure but are wondering exactly what the recovery will entail? Remember to give your body time to […]
What is sex like post hysterectomy? The short answer is it depends. While it’s possible to continue having a satisfying sex life after this major surgery, there are some factors […]
The decision to undergo a hysterectomy is not an easy one to make. Weighing the pros and cons of a surgery that involves removing the uterus, while dealing with health […]
Stretch marks are very common and affect about 80 percent of American women and men. According to Dr. David Ghozland, a Los Angeles OB/GYN, stretch mark reduction is now possible […]
The decision to undergo a hysterectomy is an emotional one for women. The fear of surgical complications, post-surgical scarring and pain are all very real concerns. According to Los Angeles-area […]