The Difference Between Vaginal/Anal Bleaching and Intimate Lightening

Vaginal and anal bleaching have become more and more popular in recent years, with more women (and men) opting for treatments that will lighten up their intimate areas. In fact, it is becoming so much more popular that not only can you choose to have the skin around your genital areas lightened, many practices actually offer this service professionally. Thanks to safety concerns of do-it-yourself home bleaching kits, this is a breath of fresh air – individuals looking for options to enhance the look of their intimate areas need not feel embarrassed or self-conscious about doing so. However, what exactly is the difference between vaginal/anal bleaching and intimate lightening?
What is Vaginal and Anal Bleaching?
Vaginal and anal bleaching is often done using at-home creams and ointments that can help “lighten” the area. However, these often utilize harsh chemicals that can actually damage the skin or end up causing health problems because of the harmful ingredients. Because of this, many professional salons and doctor offices will not use these creams, but often you may come across some that do.
These creams, which are designed to “bleach” other areas of the skin, such as the face, are often not designed to be used on the gentle, intimate areas, such as the anus or vaginal areas. These areas are much more sensitive, and using them on the skin repeatedly can cause damage or even chemical burns because they typically are made of hydroquinone or kojic acid. These ingredients can cause burning, allergic reactions, and even scarring.
Along with chemical burns, bleaching creams can damage the extremely vulnerable skin on the vulva causing a disturbance of healthy bacteria inside your vagina. If the bacteria is disturbed, this could lead to inflammation, infection, and irritation in your vagina.
What is Intimate Lightening?
Intimate lightening is a procedure that is specially designed to be used on the vaginal and anal area and has almost no risk involved at all. This procedure uses a blend of botanicals and other natural, safe ingredients that can gradually lighten the area without using harsh chemicals or other damaging ingredients. This procedure is offered by professional establishments that want to ensure their patients’ and clients’ safety and still wish to offer excellent results.
How is Intimate Lightening Performed?
Intimate lightening is performed by putting a skin-safe cream containing natural ingredients onto the skin to be lightened – usually the vaginal and anal areas. These botanical creams are body-safe and can gradually lighten the skin over a few treatments, although most patients find a small amount of lightening just after the first treatment!
Dr. David Ghozland
Intimate lightening doesn’t have to be just for your vaginal or anal areas. It can also be performed on your underarms, elbows, knees, or just anywhere you have dark spots on your body that you are insecure about. If you are interested in learning more about the intimate lightening procedure, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!