The Many Advantages to Monsplasty

With cosmetic gynecological surgeries gaining more and more popularity, there are new treatments becoming available all the time. These new treatments can help change the appearance and feel of intimate areas, including the vaginal area. One of these procedures that are fast gaining in popularity is Monsplasty.
While it may not be as popular as other procedures, such as labiaplasty, it is getting more and more popular all the time – and with good reason, too. This procedure is a minimally invasive procedure that can help improve self-esteem and allow you to get the body you want and deserve. First, let’s answer the question: What is Monsplasty?
What is a Monsplasty?
A Monsplasty is a cosmetic procedure that focuses on the mons pubis. The mons pubis is the mound of fatty tissue that covers the pubic bone, below the navel and above the labia, and is usually covered with pubic hair. The Monsplasty procedure involves removing excess fatty tissue and any hanging skin that may be present on the mons pubis. It can result in a more sculpted, desirable appearance.
How is Monsplasty Performed?
A Monsplasty is performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the comfort level of the patient and how much fatty tissue or skin is to be removed. During a Monsplasty procedure, the doctor makes a small incision in the mons pubis and then uses a form of liposuction to remove excess fat from the area. Once the excess fat is removed, the doctor will trim any excess skin from the area, and sculpt, tighten, and suture the area back up. This will result in a more shapely and desirable mons pubis area.
Why Do Women Want a Monsplasty Procedure?
Women seek out Monsplasty procedures for a variety of different reasons. Some of those reasons include the following:
- Lack of confidence in the bedroom.
- Unhappiness with the way the area looks in tight clothing, lingerie, or swimsuits.
- Aging or hormones causing sagging skin.
- Excess fatty tissue or hanging skin from childbirth.
- Weight loss.
- Pain or friction from wearing tight clothes.
No matter the reason that a woman may choose to undergo a Monsplasty procedure, the surgery can help change a woman’s life by giving her self-confidence back.
What Are Some Advantages to a Monsplasty?
A Monsplasty has many advantages that come along with it. A few advantages that women notice after receiving a Monsplasty procedure include the following:
- A dramatic increase in self-confidence in the bedroom, thanks to a sense of happiness that comes with having the body you hoped for.
- The ability to choose what clothing you wear and when – no more worrying about friction or rubbing that can cause discomfort, pain, and even rashes.
- Relief at being able to wear different types of clothing without having to worry about how your mons pubis area will look in said clothing.
- Better ability to exercise without friction or discomfort in the area.
- Improved comfort when urinating.
- Improved comfort (and satisfaction) while having sex.
- Better hygiene is possible after a Monsplasty, as the area between the abdomen and genitals will be smoother and easier to navigate around while in the shower.
- A Monsplasty is a relatively safe procedure with minimal risks or side effects. Recovery time is not excessively long, and the scarring is minimal.
- Since a Monsplasty is permanent, you can rest assured that you will only need the procedure done one time in order to continue having the benefits that come along with it.
While these are only a few of the advantages that can come from having a Monsplasty, one thing is certain – women who undergo this procedure are more likely to be happy with their body and their appearance, whether in the bedroom or out. Wearing your favorite clothing will be easier, and keeping up with personal hygiene will be less difficult once the procedure is complete. Finally, the procedure does not need to be repeated in order to retain the results, making it ideal for those who are hoping to change their appearance once and be happy with it.
If you would like to learn more about the Monsplasty procedure or would like to set up a consultation to learn more and get this procedure scheduled, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359 and we would be happy to help you!