The Most Common Questions We Get About Labiaplasty Recovery

There are many different gynecological procedures to change the look and feel of the intimate areas, including the vagina. Some of these procedures can change the outward look of the vaginal area, while others focus more on the inside of the vagina. One of the most popular procedures, a labiaplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that is not only quite common but is one of the most requested cosmetic gynecological surgical procedures out there. That being said, there are often a lot of misconceptions about the labiaplasty procedure, as well as questions that are often asked. Today we are going to clear up some of the mysteries behind the labiaplasty procedure and answer some of the most common questions that we are often asked about the procedure.
What is a Labiaplasty?
The first thing to get out of the way is to explain exactly what a labiaplasty is and what the procedure consists of. A labiaplasty is a procedure that is done to change the overall appearance of the labia or the inner or outer lips of the vagina. The procedure can be performed on the labia majora, labia minora, or even both, depending on what type of look the individual is looking for.
The labiaplasty procedure changes the shape of the labia, often making it smaller, tighter, or less pronounced. It can also help to even out any areas that are not symmetrical.
Who is a Good Candidate for a Labiaplasty?
When it comes to a labiaplasty, there are no set qualifications to ensure you are a good candidate. Other than being in good health, a labiaplasty can be done on women of any age, although it is often done on women after they finish having children. That being said, plenty of younger women opt for this procedure, as well.
Women who are unhappy with the appearance of their labia make good candidates for the procedure. Rubbing, chafing, and discomfort that comes from having labia that are too large can be treated with a labiaplasty. Many women who feel self-conscious about their elongated labia can benefit from the procedure, especially those who feel their labia get in the way of wearing their favorite clothes, exercising, and engaging in intimacy.
How Long Will It Take For Me to be Able to Resume My Lifestyle if I Am Active?
If you are active, you may be concerned with how long you will be without the ability to exercise and get moving again. Returning to an active lifestyle is possible after a labiaplasty – and maybe even sooner than you would think. In fact, most women can return to their previous activity level within two to four weeks.
When Will I be Able to Have Sex Again?
One of the most common questions regarding a labiaplasty is when you are able to return to sexual activities. While you can usually resume your fitness routines around two or four weeks, it is important to note that you should wait until you have your doctor’s green light before resuming sexual activities. The scar tissue will not be healed enough until the six or eight-week mark, so it’s better to be safe by waiting.
How Bad Will the Scarring Be?
If you are worried about the scarring from a labiaplasty, you needn’t be. In fact, when done properly, it can even be hard for your gynecologist to see the scar! Since the labia has many folds and small wrinkles already, it tends to blend right in. The stitches used, which are often dissolvable stitches, usually go away entirely within three or four weeks.
How Bad Will the Swelling Be?
When you get a labiaplasty, one of the most common things you may worry about for your recovery will be swelling and itching. For some, it isn’t bad, while it can be worse for others – every individual is different. The swelling tends to reach its peak around two to three days after the surgery, but it will subside over the next week or so. Over-the-counter pain relievers, as well as cold compresses, can help with swelling. The itching tends to last for about the first week while the incision sites are healing.
Can I Help Speed Up the Healing Process?
The best way you can help to speed up the healing process is to listen to your doctor’s instructions. Give exercise and physical activity a break and allow your body to rest. Use cold compresses and over-the-counter pain relievers. Use witch hazel pads for itching and discomfort. Listen to your doctor’s advice.
If you would like to learn more about the labiaplasty procedure or to set up a consultation, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be happy to help!