Tubal Ligation: What You Need to Know

If you are looking into permanent methods for birth control, you may have considered getting your “tubes tied.” The clinical name for this procedure is tubal ligation, and it is a method that closes the fallopian tubes permanently either through clipping, suturing or removing sections of the tubes themselves. These days, the procedure is performed using minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques, so you don’t have to take time away from your regular activities or obligations.
How Effective is Tubal Ligation?
Many women assume a tubal ligation is 100% effective in blocking pregnancy, but technically, a woman can still produce eggs from her ovaries and she will still have a uterus. Still, the odds of getting pregnant after tubal ligation are extremely minimal, as it boasts a 99.5% success rate.
What to Expect.
In Los Angeles, Dr. David Ghozland performs minimally invasive tubal ligation using one of two different methods. Because the methods used by Dr. Ghozalnd are in-office, they take only 15 minutes to complete and require little to no downtime. Dr. Ghozland’s patients return home shortly after undergoing tubal ligation and may resume regular activities almost right away. It is also important to note that women who undergo tubal ligation will continue with their regular menstrual cycles each month, and unlike with a hysterectomy, menopause will not occur any sooner than it would have without the procedure.
Tubal ligation also has no impact on libido, other than feeling more relaxed and not having to worry about birth control! Dr. Ghozland always reminds patients during the consultation process that this is a very permanent procedure and should only be considered when a woman is sure she does not want any additional children. If you are looking for a lasting birth control method and you are no longer planning to get pregnant, tubal ligation could be a safe and effective option for you.
Schedule your consultation with Dr. Ghozland to learn more about tubal ligation and whether it is right for you. Call us today at (310) 393-9359!