Understanding Common Clitoral Hood Reduction Myths and Misconceptions

The female reproductive system is a complex system with many internal and external parts. Because of this, there are many reasons women may find themselves wishing they could change certain aspects of their bodies. Whether you want to change your vagina to feel tighter or if you are looking to get a labiaplasty to reduce the appearance of your labia, there are many procedures to help you get the look you are hoping for. One such procedure, a clitoral hood reduction, is a very popular procedure that many women opt for each and every year. In fact, a clitoral hood reduction is one of the most sought-after treatments in the field of cosmetic gynecology – and with good reason – it can make a huge difference! While this procedure is considered safe and is outpatient with a short recovery time, there are still several myths and misconceptions surrounding it that may be cause for women to shy away from the treatment.
What is a Clitoral Hood Reduction?
A clitoral hood reduction is a procedure that involves reducing the clitoral hood, or the small section of tissue that covers the clitoris. Often, this piece of tissue can be larger than it needs to be, and it can either stick out further than wanted or even dull the amount of pleasure felt during intimacy. The clitoral hood can also rub on clothing or during exercise, which can lead to friction, pain, and discomfort. Wearing tighter clothing can be difficult. If any of this sounds too familiar to you, you may have an enlarged clitoral hood.
The clitoral hood reduction removes a small portion of tissue from around the clitoris, allowing the clitoris to become more exposed. This procedure can work wonders for a woman’s intimate life by reducing pain and discomfort, issues with clothing, and even boosting the amount of satisfaction felt during intimacy.
Myth #1: Clitoral Hood Reductions Do Not Deliver Results as Promised
One major misconception that many women have surrounding clitoral hood reductions is the amount of sexual satisfaction that they will experience after getting the procedure done. Many times, women find that they have much more intense orgasms and an easier time reaching orgasms. Other women may find that the strength and frequency of their orgasms do not improve drastically. It is important to note that every woman experiences pleasure differently – and a clitoral hood reduction is not a one-size-fits-all approach, although it can definitely help.
Myth #2: Clitoral Hood Reductions are Purely Cosmetic
A huge myth is that a clitoral hood reduction is a cosmetic-only procedure. Most women who seek this treatment are looking to help improve their sex lives. A clitoral hood reduction can be used for cosmetic reasons, though!
Myth #3: A Clitoral Hood Reduction Can Cause Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction is not caused by clitoral hood reductions. In fact, it is quite the opposite – it can increase sexual satisfaction and give stronger and more frequent orgasms.
Myth #4: Results From a Clitoral Hood Reduction Last Forever
While the majority of those who get clitoral hood reductions find long-lasting results, they may not be permanent. In fact, you may find yourself needing revisions or touch-ups to your treatment. Over time, the body can change. This is natural. If you find that your results are not what you had hoped for, then it is important to speak with your doctor to see what kind of adjustments can be made.
Myth #5: Clitoral Hood Reductions are Difficult to Recover From
Clitoral hood reductions have a very minimal recovery time. In fact, most women are able to return to work just a few days following the procedure – some even in as little as two or three days! There is very little pain and discomfort.
Benefits of a Clitoral Hood Reduction
There are many benefits to a clitoral hood reduction. These benefits may include the following:
- Increased self-esteem
- Stronger orgasms
- More frequent orgasms
- Decrease in the amount of friction and rubbing
- Decreases pain around the clitoris that is caused by an overly large clitoral hood
If you are interested in learning more about clitoral hood reduction, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359. We would be more than happy to help you get set up for a consultation!