Vaginal Tightening: What Works and What Doesn’t

Is your vagina starting to feel loose? Although the vagina is designed with an elastic-like stretch, there are instances when it doesn’t simply bounce back.
Vaginal laxity or vaginal looseness is a common complaint among women, particularly as they age. Despite the societal allusions to “loose women” the vagina doesn’t permanently stretch out because of a plethora of sex. After intercourse, the vaginal muscles naturally tighten, returning to their previous state.
Still, women who notice that their vaginas are looser aren’t imagining it. Childbirth wears out the organ. And just like that old bikini, the elastic starts to lose its shape as the years go on. Although younger women who give birth multiple times may also experience vaginal looseness, it tends to affect older mothers more significantly as the vaginal muscles are less likely to rebound as easily.
The average age of childbearing mothers is increasing, so this is becoming a more common issue among women. So, what’s the solution? There are numerous products on the market that claim to tighten the vagina and return it to its youthful vigor. Here are some solutions that work and others to avoid.
- Home-brewed concoctions, pills, and creams: Many websites claim that everything from bleach to ground up oak galls can help with vaginal tightening. Not only are many of these remedies unsafe, they are also ineffective. These so-called solutions won’t improve upon the root of the cause which is relaxed and worn-out muscles.
- Kegels: Just like how the Cobra Pose helps tone the core, this exercise will help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Kegels can be done anywhere. In line at the grocery store? Of course! While waiting in the school “pick-up” line? For sure. Experts recommend easing into the exercises, eventually working up to six dozen sets of 10 contractions a couple times a day.
- Ben Wa balls: Thanks to the “Fifty Shades of Grey” series, these small, marble-sized balls are a little more notorious. Inserting them into the vagina and trying to keep them from falling out will strengthen the pelvic floor.
Another popular option to help tighten the vagina is vaginoplasty. To find out more about this quick outpatient procedure, schedule an appointment with Dr. Ghozland today by calling us at 310-393-9359.