Is Vaginoplasty a New Emerging Trend Among Teenage Girls?

Teenage girls are notoriously critical of their appearance, and seeking cosmetic correction is considered controversial, especially when the patient is still growing and developing. One area gaining increased interest among teens is vaginal rejuvenation surgery, and according to Los Angeles OB/Gyn Dr. David Ghozland, the interest stems from more than just cosmetic concerns.
According to Dr. Ghozland, vaginal rejuvenation procedures typically address issues like reshaping the labia and or/tightening vaginal walls grown slack following childbirth or menopause. But, for younger patients, trimming labia that are naturally distended may have functional benefits, as well. Teens who play sports, for example, may experience pain or chafing due to friction caused by extended vaginal lips. From a cosmetic perspective, young women may also experience embarrassment or self-consciousness when wearing tight fitting jeans or yoga pants if the labia is large or easily visible. While still in the minority, Dr. Ghozland notes that statistics show the labiaplasty procedure he performs in his practice saw an 80% increase in demand in the U.S. overall last year among patients under the age of 18, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Some studies suggest that lifestyle trends may also be influencing the increased demand for vaginal rejuvenation surgery. One reason being that more and more young women and teens wax the pubic area, leaving the labia minor much more exposed than was typical for previous generations. The good news is, whether an unusually large labia is the result of genetics, age or hormonal factors, women of all ages – and sometimes even teens – can pursue minimally invasive methods that eliminate excess or distended labial tissue to give the vaginal lips a neater appearance.
Vaginal rejuvenation or labiaplasty is performed on an outpatient basis – no hospital stay is required. Dr. Ghozland adds that recovery time is minimal, with most patients getting back to normal activities right away. In his Los Angeles OB/GYN office, Dr. Ghozland offers labiaplasty surgery for vaginal rejuvenation, whether the concerns are cosmetic, functional or both. Procedures such as this, offer patients of all ages the opportunity to feel confident and comfortable with their body. Call us at 310-393-9359 or visit us today to schedule a consultation!