What Causes Labia Majora Tone Loss and How Labia Puffing Can Help

For women, getting older can bring about a lot of challenges. Often, as we age, we find ourselves dealing with different concerns that we might not have had to deal with when we were younger. One such concern can be the loss of tone in the labia majora area. Unfortunately, age is not the only reason that this loss of tone can happen – there are several other causes and reasons why you may lose tone in the labia majora. Luckily, there is a treatment out there that can actually help called Labia Puffing. It is a relatively safe and easy procedure with minimal risk and side effects. In fact, it is becoming more and more popular all the time, with many women seeking this treatment as a way to combat tone loss in the labia majora. But what exactly causes this?
What Causes Labia Majora Tone Loss?
There are many factors that can contribute to labia majora tone loss. It can happen naturally as we age, especially when a woman hits menopause. The changes in hormones in the body can alter the way certain parts of the body, such as the labia, look and feel. Hormone imbalances can cause a lot of concerns. Another reason that the area of the labia majora might experience tone loss is due to pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth take a huge toll on a woman’s body – especially the vagina and labia. Because of this, it can cause the body to lose muscle tone and start to become looser.
Labia majora tone loss can also be caused by other reasons, such as dramatic weight loss, medications, and smoking.
What is Labia Puffing?
Labia puffing is a procedure that can add fullness to the labia. Labia puffing can be done using fillers, such as those used for facial purposes, or it can be done using a patient’s very own fat tissue, which is extracted from another area of the body, such as the buttocks, thighs, or abdomen. When this fat tissue or filler is injected into the labia area, it can give the look of a “puffy” labia, which, for many women, can be a desirable look. Labia puffing is an excellent choice for women of all ages who are looking to make their labia appear fuller.
Is Labia Puffing Safe?
Labia puffing is a very safe procedure with minimal side effects or risks. If you choose to have a labia puffing procedure using fillers, be aware that there are some risks and side effects, and the chance that your body may reject the fillers. However, if you opt to get a labia puffing procedure and use your body’s own fat tissue, your risk of rejection or side effects is exceptionally low, as the fat that is used will be coming from your own body. This makes labia puffing a very safe procedure.
What is Recovery from Labia Puffing Like?
The labia puffing procedure does not need much in terms of downtime or recovery. This makes it a very attractive procedure for many women, as they may not wish to undergo extensive surgeries or medical procedures in order to correct any concerns they may have. You may experience certain side effects, such as tenderness or redness in the area or swelling or bruising from the injections. However, you can simply take over-the-counter pain medication and use a cold compress, and you will not need to worry about missing work or other daily activities.
Labia Puffing for Labia Majora Tone Loss: Is It a Good Choice?
When it comes to treating labia majora tone loss, you may be wondering what the best choice of treatment may be. While many women may opt for more invasive surgical procedures or things like hormone replacement therapy, it is important to note that those types of treatments are not always necessary. A great type of treatment for labia majora tone loss is labia puffing. It is both safe and effective, and it can completely make the difference when it comes to shaping and changing the labia to look and feel better for you.
If you are interested in learning more about the labia puffing procedure or to schedule an appointment for a consultation, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359, and we will be happy to help get you scheduled!