What Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Is It Right for You?

Hormones are essential for our health, and maintaining proper estrogen and testosterone levels is necessary. Testosterone helps to build muscle, maintain healthy bones, store fat, produce red blood cells, and maintain a healthy sex life. Testosterone levels often decrease as people age. The loss of testosterone can make people tired, lower interest in intercourse, cause muscle loss, and change moods. For some, this decline is drastic enough to disrupt daily life. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can make up for this loss. Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a simple procedure that can have many benefits, making it a great choice for many individuals.
Learning About Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone Replacement Therapy is meant to elevate levels of testosterone in individuals that have deficient levels of this hormone, and who can benefit from an increase. The imbalance can cause several different health concerns, so there are often times in which a hormone replacement therapy, such as Testosterone Replacement Therapy, can be very beneficial for the individual in question. The therapy is offered through manufactured or natural testosterone through several options:
Testosterone is injected every week or every two weeks to maintain levels within the body.
Gels and Patches
The hormone is applied to skin surfaces, which body tissues absorb slowly.
Hormones are compacted into a small pellet, which is then implanted under the skin and absorbed slowly through body tissues.
Signs of Low Testosterone
Before taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy, signs of low testosterone need to be diagnosed, including signs such as:
- Being very tired or drained
- Having reduced muscle but increasing body fat
- Not feeling like intercourse or experiencing erection issues
- Being moody, depressed, or quick-tempered
- Having difficulty concentrating or remembering
- Having thin hair or weak bones
If any of these signs exist, your medical provider can test to determine your testosterone levels through a simple blood test. It is important to check with your doctor first to rule out other illnesses or conditions, which can mimic these signs and symptoms seen with low testosterone.
Who Is Eligible for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Not everyone who has low testosterone requires Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Some individuals might need it if low testosterone levels are due to aging, injury, illness, or other causes. A doctor will assess signs, history, and lab tests before recommending treatment and help you assess the pros and cons of Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Together, you can determine if it is a good fit for you.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy may not be appropriate for the following individuals:
- Individuals who have been diagnosed with prostate or breast cancer
- Those who suffer from serious sleep apnea
- Individuals who have been diagnosed with unregulated heart disease and who are not managing their condition well
- Those with a high red blood cell count
The Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
For individuals with extremely low levels of testosterone, Testosterone Replacement Therapy can have valuable benefits, including:
More Energy and Enthusiasm
Many people can experience greater amounts of energy and enthusiasm in their day-to-day life.
More Muscle and Muscle Power
Testosterone Replacement Therapy prevents muscle loss and lowers body fat.
More Intimacy
Many individuals who undergo Testosterone Replacement Therapy find that they have a higher sex drive and better intimate encounters.
Better Mood and Mental Sharpness
Testosterone Replacement Therapy can alleviate depression and confusion, resulting in greater focus and well-being.
Increased Bone Strength
It prevents weak bones or fractures.
Testosterone Therapy can help make individuals with low testosterone feel better, strengthen muscles, and improve health overall. If your testosterone is extremely low, discuss testing, treatments, and any potential risks with your doctor.
If you would like to learn more about Testosterone Replacement Therapy, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359 and we will be happy to answer questions and get you scheduled for an appointment.