What is the Best Solution for Getting Rid of Cellulite?

For many, cellulite is a pesky problem that can cause women to feel very self-conscious, especially during the summer months when swimsuits, shorts, and pretty sundresses are often the clothing items of choice. There are many promised “solutions” for getting rid of cellulite, allowing you to wear your favorite clothing again without feeling embarrassed – but how many of these actually work? What is the best solution for getting rid of cellulite? Now is the time to start considering your options, as the summer months are rapidly approaching.
What Is Cellulite?
Cellulite is a skin condition that most women will deal with at one point or another, no matter their age, background, or lifestyle. In fact, cellulite is completely normal, although many women think of it as an unsightly issue that they would rather deal with. It is a lumpy, almost dimply layer that is usually found on the thighs, stomach, and other places on the body. Cellulite, which is an abundance of fat tissue, occurs when this fat tissue pushes up on the skin, while the connective tissue within the skin pushes down, causing a “dimple.”
How is Cellulite Treated?
Diet and Exercise
While diet and exercise have been an age-old treatment for cellulite, it isn’t really going to cure every lump and bump that your skin may have. However, eating healthy and hitting the gym (or even doing toning exercises on the area you wish to work on) is good for you regardless of whether or not it is clearing your skin of cellulite. It can work in mild cases, however, and it is important to note that if you have higher fat content in your body, you may have worse cellulite problems than women who are slimmer.
Creams for cellulite have been used a lot, and they work by increasing the collagen in the skin, which can help thicken it. This reduces the appearance of any lumps and bumps and helps to smooth out the skin. While most creams that are purchased over the counter promise to firm up skin, they don’t always work as advertised.
If you are looking for a longer lasting, successful treatment for cellulite, subcision is a treatment that is sure to put your cellulite woes behind you. Subcision is done through the use of fine needles, which are inserted into the lumpy areas of the skin, cutting the harder connective tissues that cause the dimpling appearance. This procedure does not make the skin any thicker or smoother. This highly advanced treatment is very successful. It is often done as an outpatient procedure in the desired area and has little to no downtime after being performed.
If you would like to learn more about subcision and other treatments for cellulite, call the office Dr. Ghozland today!