What is the Difference Between Scar Removal and Intimate Lightening?

There are many different kinds that can appear when it comes to scars, whether from acne, chickenpox, injuries, or stretch marks from pregnancies. These marks on the skin can be removed or drastically reduced with today’s technology, and more and more women and men alike are opting to deal with their scars in this fashion. It can help restore confidence or even give you self-esteem that you didn’t have before, simply by using the medical advancements available to patients to remove marks on the skin that can be displeasing. But before we dive into how these scars can be removed, it is crucial to know the difference between scar removal and another process, which is known as intimate lightening.
What is Scar Removal?
Scars are very natural marks that appear as the body heals itself and can remain for years or even be lifelong. Depending on how big the injury, scars can be large or small, raised or indented, and can even appear as lumps and bumps under or on the skin. Scar removal is a procedure that can help to remove or reduce the appearance of these imperfections, and it can be done in several different ways, depending on the nature of the scar.
Some scars, especially those that appear as depressions in the skin, such as those from acne, can be treated using derma fillers. These fillers can improve collagen production in the skin and give skin a “filled in” look, which can reduce the appearance of these types of scars. Other scars, such as those that are raised from the skin or even bulbous, may require surgical removal or steroid injections.
For other forms of scars, such as stretch marks or scars that are flush with the skin, such as those from a cut or surgical procedure, intimate lightening can frequently help to reduce the appearance.
What is the Difference Between Intimate Lightening and Scar Removal?
Intimate lightening is a procedure that can reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation on the skin, such as from shaving, sweating, or other skin concerns. It was primarily developed to be safe to use on the intimate areas of the body, such as the groin or anal areas. It is done by repeated treatments using a cream that is rich in botanicals, which can safely lighten areas of the skin.
The interesting part about the intimate lightening treatment is that it can also be used to reduce the appearance of some scars on the body, such as stretch marks. Intimate lightening can also be used on various areas of the body to treat burn marks or darkened spots due to acne scars.
If you would like to learn more about intimate lightening and how it can help you reduce or eliminate the appearance of stubborn scars and stretch marks, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!