What is the Recovery Process for a Monsplasty?

When it comes to genital cosmetic surgical procedures, there are quite a few different types that can help you achieve your desired look and feel. A monsplasty is one of those types of procedures, and while it hasn’t always been too common, it has been gaining more and more popularity as the years stretch on. A monsplasty is an ideal surgery for many women for a wide variety of reasons – but no matter the reason behind getting one, there is always the question of: What is the recovery process for a monsplasty like? Will you need to take a lot of time off work or other duties in order to get the procedure and then recover? Or will you be able to get back to work quickly?
What is a Monsplasty, and Why Do Women Want One?
First off, let’s talk about what a monsplasty is. A monsplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that deals with the mons pubis, or the fatty tissue that covers the pubic bone. There are many factors that can contribute to the size and shape of the mons pubis, including weight, genetics, and aging, to name a few. Perhaps the mons pubis area is too large, and thus a monsplasty is sought out to help reduce the size. This procedure can help reduce the size of the area, as well as tighten and sculpt the mons pubis to look and feel more desirable.
How is a Monsplasty Performed?
A Monsplasty can be performed on its own or in combination with other cosmetic procedures, such as a labiaplasty. On its own, a monsplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the use of liposuction to the mons pubis area in order to remove excess fatty tissue. Once this is done, the doctor tightens the skin up around the mons pubis and sculpts it to appear more desirable. The procedure does not take long, and can often be done under local anesthesia. However, it is worth noting that if the amount of tissue to be removed during the monsplasty is more than average, general anesthesia may be a better option.
What is Recovery Like?
Following a monsplasty, a patient is likely to have an easy, fast recovery. The recovery time for a monsplasty is only a few days to a week. The pain levels are frequently low with this procedure, and it fades over time, although at first, you should expect there to be a dull, almost aching-like pain in the general area where the procedure was performed.
While you may not need too much time to recover and too much time off of work and away from your daily activities (most patients are able to resume their daily activities after five days to a week), you will likely have physical activity restrictions in place in order to keep your physical activity light, ensuring that you heal correctly. It is often recommended that patients who have undergone a monsplasty procedure keep their activity levels light for the first three weeks following the procedure.
How Soon After a Monsplasty Can Sexual Activity Be Resumed?
Sexual activity can generally be resumed between three and six weeks after the procedure. This is determined not only by your doctor’s discretion based on how you are healing but on how you are feeling in your recovery, as well.
What Are the Risks of a Monsplasty?
It is important to be on the lookout for any complications following the procedure, such as infection. If you notice any strange symptoms or signs of your body not healing properly (redness, bruising, burning, and intense pain that does not ease with time), then it is important to call your doctor for the next steps. While this procedure is relatively safe, it is still a medical procedure and it is important to note that with all procedures, no matter how small, there are risks and side effects.
If you would like to learn more about a monsplasty, to find out if this procedure is for you, or to make an appointment, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today at 310-393-9359 and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have!