What is Votiva and How Does it Improve Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation, a procedure that tightens the vagina and can help with dryness and discomfort during sex, is a procedure that many women seek out each year. It can help them feel more youthful or confident, and that helps to improve their self-esteem in the bedroom. There are constant strides in the advancement of this procedure, and now, thanks to a new advancement known as Votiva, more and more women are opting to explore what vaginal rejuvenation can do to make them feel more satisfied with their bodies.
What is Votiva?
Votiva is a procedure that is done as a form of vaginal rejuvenation. The procedure is non-surgical, which makes it more approachable for some women, especially those who are looking for options that do not require a lot of downtime or recovery.
How Does Votiva Work?
Votiva works by using laser technology, which makes it unique. It can be used on both the internal and the external vaginal tissues and uses radiofrequency waves to tighten up the vaginal muscles. Votiva stimulates collagen and elastin in the vaginal tissue, which in turn can help to alleviate dryness, tighten the vaginal canal, and even increase sensations felt during sexual intercourse.
What Makes Votiva Unique?
Votiva is a unique way to achieve the results you want without worrying about painful surgical procedures and lengthy downtime. While a traditional vaginal rejuvenation is typically done in a surgical setting, Votiva can be done as an outpatient procedure in your doctor’s office. Votiva is also a nearly painless procedure, so you don’t have to worry about being in a lot of discomfort during the treatment, even though you will be awake and not under general anesthesia the way you would be if you were having a surgical procedure done.
Votiva’s recovery timeline is also something to consider. When a traditional vaginal rejuvenation is done, it can take up to a few weeks to be completely healed up. However, when you opt for Votiva, you are free to continue with your daily activities immediately after departing your doctor’s office, if you so choose.
Is Votiva for Everyone?
Votiva, like all medical procedures, is not for everyone. This procedure works best if your needs are not too drastic. Votiva works well for goals that are easily attainable. However, if your procedure will require a more intense approach, it may not be the best option for you.
If you would like to learn more about Votiva or to see if you are a good candidate for the procedure, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!