What Should You Expect the Week After a Labiaplasty

Getting a labiaplasty is more common than you think – many women opt for this safe and effective procedure that can change the way your labia looks, as well as help you enjoy sex more, and ease the discomfort that you may incur due to the labia being larger than you would like.
What is Labiaplasty?
Labiaplasty is a reconstructive surgical procedure that alters the appearance of the labia minora, or vaginal lips, which can be present due to genetics, childbirth, or puberty. The labia minora can often be elongated, which can cause women to feel self-conscious, as well as bring about discomfort, during normal activities, such as when exercising. It can even discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse. A labiaplasty can correct these issues and trim the tissue of the labia so that this is no longer a concern. The procedure is done with a local anesthetic so that the patient will not feel any pain, but will allow them to remain alert.
What to Expect in the First Week After a Labiaplasty
After you get your labiaplasty procedure done, you may be wondering what the first week following will be like. You should keep a few supplies on hand to help with this first week, including medications for pain and swelling, a misting water bottle filled with cool water, and someone to help you should you find yourself in pain – for example, getting up or sitting down repeatedly might be something you want to avoid the first few days! Aside from taking a few days off from work if necessary, there are a few other things you can expect to do to care for yourself. Here is a time table of what to expect during the first week after your labiaplasty procedure.
The First Day
The first day after your labiaplasty procedure, you should expect there to be a lot of swelling in the general area. In fact, the swelling may be so bad, it can cause your labia to look even more enlarged than it did before the procedure, but it is important to know that this is completely normal, and the swelling will go down shortly. Antibiotic ointment and Lidocaine are often prescribed to patients to use during times of soreness and discomfort, and medication is helpful for pain and swelling, too. Using a spray bottle of water on the affected area during and after urinating can help stop stinging and keep the area clean.
Days Two Through Five
Days two through five might feel quite a bit like the first day, and with some women, the swelling may even increase a little bit. In fact, you may still be noticing some blood-tinged discharge on a pad or pantyliner, and this is normal as well. You may still be in pain, so keep taking any medications to reduce swelling and discomfort, apply cool compresses, and use the antibiotic ointment and Lidocaine to help yourself feel better through these days.
Days Six and Seven
Days six and seven are the home stretch of your first week after your labiaplasty procedure! While the swelling should have decreased some, it may still be present. You may also still have some pain, and this is normal, too. You should schedule an appointment with your doctor during the next few days to check on the healing progress and discuss any questions you may have.
Warning Signs
If you have gotten a labiaplasty performed, it is important that you know to look out for any warning signs that could indicate an infection. These include pus draining from the incisions, foul odors, fever, or pain that is so intense it becomes unbearable.
If you want to learn more about the labiaplasty procedure and schedule a consult with Dr. Ghozland, give our office a call today to see if you are an ideal candidate!