Why Are My Underarms So Dark?

When summer rolls around (or any time you are hoping to wear some sleeveless shirts and look as good as possible!), you want to have a smooth underarm area. Unfortunately, for many individuals, you may notice that your underarm area has gotten a bit darker over the year – and that’s okay! In fact, it is a pretty normal occurrence and happens to a lot of people – both men and women! What you should know is that this is actually easily dealt with – with a procedure called intimate lightening, you can have the smooth, light underarms that you did in the past – all with a simple, painless process!
What Causes Darkening in the Underarm Area?
Darkening in the underarm area is actually common. In fact, the darkening in this area (as well as darkened spots on other areas of the skin) is more commonly known as hyperpigmentation. While common, it can help to understand the causes of the darkening in the underarm areas.
First of all, hyperpigmentation is more common in people of color. While all skin tones are prone to hyperpigmentation, it shows up more in darker skin tones.
Second, hyperpigmentation is often caused by friction – and the underarm area is no stranger to friction! Whether from rubbing of clothing in the underarm area or skin rubbing against skin, this is the number one cause of darkening in this area. Shaving and waxing are also common culprits – as is hair rubbing on the skin.
What is Intimate Lightening?
Luckily, darkening in the underarm area doesn’t have to be an embarrassing issue any longer! Intimate lightening is a procedure that is performed in your doctor’s office and only takes a small portion of time to complete, especially for areas such as the underarms. It is so quick that it is often performed on a lunch break or in the afternoon – and since there is no downtime, it is an excellent procedure to choose if you are short on time or don’t wish to have any skin issues that require you to stay home or wear a cover-up.
How is Intimate Lightening Performed?
Intimate lightening is performed simply with a botanical, all-natural formula that is applied to the area and then enhanced with the use of a laser. This painless procedure utilizes both components to help lighten the skin – all without using harsh chemicals that can damage it or put you at an increased risk of health issues in the future. The botanical formula is made from all-natural ingredients, such as fruit extracts and naturally occurring acids, to help remove discoloration. While many women see results with the first treatment, it is typical to reach desired results within three to six treatments.
If you would like to learn more about how to banish dark underarms and look and feel your best with the use of intimate lightening, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today!