Why Lip Filler Isn’t Permanent

In today’s world, lip injections and lip fillers are becoming more and more popular – in fact, many women consider these treatments to be a run-of-the-mill, lunchtime procedure. More and more individuals are getting lip injections to help smooth out lines on and around the lip area, as well as add a bit of filler to the lips themselves, making them look fuller and more rounded out. These fillers have been gaining in popularity, but the filling effects of the lip injections do not last forever. In fact, if you want the results from the lip filler to be long-lasting, you have to get touch-ups done on a regular basis. But many have questioned why the lip filler is not permanent and needs to be touched up and what that may mean for you.
What Are Lip Injections?
Lip injections are exactly what they sound like – it is an injection of a popular FDA approved filler, such as Volbella, Restylane, and Juvederm, into the lip area to make them fuller and reduce the appearance of fine lines. These injections have grown in popularity over the years as more and more individuals are seeking out the look of plumper, smoother lips. These injections are usually very safe and do not cause any issues or problems, and have minimal side effects. They are non-invasive, have no downtime, no recovery time, and can often be done in a short amount of time in your doctor’s office, which is convenient and easy.
Why Isn’t Lip Filler Permanent?
Lip filler, unlike some other procedures, is not permanent. This means that over time, the filler will break down and disappear, and you will once again be left with your natural lip shape. Since these injections are mostly made up of hyaluronic acid, they break down over time, and if not properly repeated, you will find your natural lip shape becoming more and more prominent. Because of this, it is important to get touch-ups either every month or every other month if you want to keep your filler looking fresh.
Another reason that lip fillers are not permanent has to do with your metabolism. In fact, how fast your metabolism works can also have an effect on how long your lip filler will last. If you have a faster metabolism, you will find that your lip filler may break down much more quickly than if you have a slower metabolism.
Those individuals who find themselves using their mouths more may also notice that their lip filler may break down more quickly. If you chew a lot of gum, talk a lot, or do other movements with your mouth, that constant movement is going to have the filler breaking down faster.
If you are interested in learning more about lip fillers, or to find out if lip injections are right for you, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today to schedule an appointment!