Why Should I Get a Clitoral Hood Reduction?

If the appearance of your clitoral hood has had you feeling the need for a clitoral hood reduction surgery, there is good news – it is way more of a commonplace procedure than many women may think it is. In fact, it is a procedure that many doctors are quite familiar with. It can also be combined with a variety of other procedures, such as vaginoplasty or labiaplasty.
What is the Clitoral Hood?
The clitoral hood is the part of the vulva that covers the clitoris, which is an incredibly sensitive part of the female anatomy that plays quite a big role in sexual satisfaction. In fact, did you know that the clitoris has over fourteen thousand nerve endings? Those nerve endings can bring about a multitude of pleasurable feelings during sex, but without a clitoral hood, chances are you would be overwhelmed with friction and pain from clothing and other items rubbing directly onto the clitoris. The clitoral hood actually helps protect the clitoris.
The clitoral hood does not depend on the height or weight of the woman in question, either – in fact; it varies completely from woman to woman.
Why Should I Get a Clitoral Hood Reduction?
Since clitoral hoods come in all sizes, it is important to note that it can be a bit too big. A clitoral hood reduction may be necessary if the clitoral hood itself is too large or padded. This can cause decreased sensitivity when the clitoris is stimulated. It can also lead to a lack of sensation or the inability to reach the clitoris.
Doctor Ghozland can perform a procedure that will easily reshape the clitoral hood, which can help to increase sexual satisfaction. Although this is the main reason that many women may choose a clitoral hood reduction, it isn’t the only one! In fact, some women opt for a clitoral hood reduction to help them feel more comfortable and better about their bodies – especially when wearing snug-fitting clothing, such as yoga pants, jeans, and even certain underwear.
How is a Clitoral Hood Reduction Done?
The procedure is an outpatient procedure that is usually done either with IV sedation or general anesthesia. A clitoral hood reduction is done by making two small incisions on the clitoral hood, then using a CO2 laser to shape the clitoral hood and reduce the size. Recovery is nearly painless and easy, with little downtime.
If you are interested in learning more about clitoral hood reduction, or to find out if you could be a candidate for this life-changing procedure, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today to set up a consultation!