Why Vaginal Loosening Happens & What You Can Do About It

Vaginal loosening is something that can happen naturally – based on age, genetics, childbirth, surgery, and even diseases – but no one wants to talk about it. Vaginal loosening, for many women, can cause feelings of discomfort and even embarrassment – and it can cause them to avoid the topic altogether. But in truth, vaginal loosening happens – and to many women. That’s the downside. The upside? There are things that you can do about it, allowing you to tighten up the vagina, making loosening a thing of the past!
What is Vaginal Loosening?
Vaginal loosening is a condition that occurs naturally in many women. It happens when the vagina does not have as much elasticity as once did, causing it to be a bit lax, or “loose.” It happens for a variety of reasons – but believe it or not, sex is not a cause.
Reasons for Vaginal Loosening
Vaginal loosening can occur naturally for many women, not something to be ashamed or embarrassed about. Some of the reasons that the vagina can lose its elasticity include:
- Age
- Genetics
- Menopause
- Childbirth
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Surgeries, such as a hysterectomy
What Can Be Done for Vaginal Loosening?
If you’ve been dealing with vaginal loosening, there is some good news: it is entirely treatable! Procedures known as vaginal tightening procedures can help you regain that elasticity in the vagina, making it tighter – which can not only give you a more satisfying sexual experience, but it can also help with urinary incontinence.
A vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves strengthening and tightening the vaginal muscles. This procedure is done as an outpatient procedure. While it can take between sixty to ninety minutes and has a recovery period, it is an excellent choice for those struggling with vaginal laxity and urinary incontinence.
If you are interested in vaginal tightening, but don’t want to undergo a surgical operation or aren’t up for recovery time, then Femilift – the nonsurgical vaginal tightening procedure – might be right for you. Femilift is a non-invasive procedure using a controlled laser beam that can change the structure of the vagina without any surgical procedure, numbing creams, or anesthesia. The laser beam heats up the vaginal tissue, stimulating the growth and regeneration of collagen and elastin, which help to tighten the vagina.
The O-Shot procedure is a procedure that uses platelet-rich plasma, which is extracted from a small blood sample taken during the appointment, and injected into the vaginal area, which stimulates collagen and elastin regeneration, causing the vagina to become tighter and more responsive.
If you are interested in learning more about vaginal tightening procedures that can help combat vaginal loosening, feel free to call the office of Dr. Ghozland today and set up an appointment to discover more about the options listed above.