Why Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery is Beneficial to New Moms

Having a baby is a decision that is full of challenges – and not just for the baby! After you give birth to your little one, you may be too preoccupied with the miracle that is your new baby to think much about yourself, but the truth is, it is vital to look after the health of a new mom, also. Not only physically, but mentally, as well. New moms are not only at risk for postpartum depression, but they can also be at risk for a huge drop in self-esteem and confidence due to the appearance and feel of their postpartum body. Luckily, there are new treatments and procedures available that can be life-changing for new moms – such as vaginal rejuvenation.
What is Vaginal Rejuvenation?
Vaginal rejuvenation, a procedure also known to some as a “Mommy Makeover,” is a procedure or set of procedures that is targeted toward new moms after giving birth to their baby. This treatment can help a woman’s self-confidence by changing the parts of her body that she may no longer be happy with. A vaginal rejuvenation surgery can include a labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, labial hood reductions, and other procedures.
Why is a Vaginal Rejuvenation A Good Idea?
After giving birth, be it months or years, some women simply do not feel good about their bodies. They may notice a decreased amount of sensation or satisfaction during sexual intercourse, and they may not be happy with the way their vagina looks and feels after having children. Vaginal rejuvenation can change the parts that a woman isn’t happy with and give her that self-esteem back. Because of this, these types of procedures can be life-changing to new moms and should be made available if she chooses to opt for a rejuvenation.
While some prefer to opt for procedures that may help with their appearance, others are searching out procedures that can help with their sexual concerns, such as tightness, sensation, or even pain while having sex. Still, yet other women may be looking to reduce the amount of urinary incontinence that has developed since giving birth. No matter what the reason for searching out these procedures, vaginal rejuvenation can be very beneficial to new moms, not only physically but mentally as well.
If you would like to learn more about vaginal rejuvenation and mommy makeovers, call the office of Dr. Ghozland today to schedule an appointment!